
My Son with Iraq's Police Force


Anonymous said...

Hi Doug,

Yes, you are right about Flint Ridge, and I have been there when our kids were smaller. It was a really large area then and filled, almost, with flints chips and pieces the Indians had worked over the centuries.

I looked at your son in the Iraq photo and noticed his Screaming Eagle shoulder patch. I took my basic during the Korean War era with that outfit in Kentucky then.

Also, my granddaughter went to war with a Patriot Missile battery and drove into Iraq from Kuwait. She celebrated her 21st birthday there. She guarded the 101st Airborne all the way to Bagdad airport and got through her tour and came home but it wasn't good for her and she now has some problems.

Anyway, thanks for stopping and commenting. I appreciate it.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio.

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